October 26, 2010

new project - rings!!

i love buttons...
and i love rings...
so...i'm making button rings!

more rings to come!



  1. Those button rings are beautiful too, you are so talented!

  2. Ooh, so cute! Do you weld them or something? I love the idea. :)

  3. haha never seen this before! very cute, nice work :)

  4. Thank you, ladies!! I'm so terrible at commenting back on things...but I'm going to get better!

    Allison, I didn't weld them...but I should probably learn how to because I just used super glue, and I've had a couple of them come apart. :( But still working on a different method!

    I'm combining this blog and my photography blog. You guys should check it out. www.thesethreadsofmine.blogspot.com. :)
